This fund allows us to respond in emergency situations. We are able to help restore hope and show the healing power of God’s love in the midst of hardship.
Everything we do is centered on sharing the good news of Jesus. By providing people with immediate access to the Word in their heart language we empower their relationship with Jesus and encourage their discipleship journey.
Iris University is a strategic part of Iris Global's legacy, impacting Mozambique and beyond.
Your support directly helps us fulfill our mission to awaken knowledge in citizens through excellent, integral and innovative education, guided by the Spirit of Christ. Thank you for partnering with us in prayer and support. Together, we can impact generations!
Many villages in Mozambique do not have a clean water supply and we are able to drill a well for just $7,500. Many are sick and dying as a result. A well provides a village access to clean drinking water for the very first time.
These well drilling projects are an outward sign of a wonderful spiritual reality.
“And Jesus kept increasing in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.” (Luke 2:52) This program is for young adults who are ready to transition out of our Children’s Centers and into their own life.
In order to give them the best start as independent adults, Iris provides a low-cost place to live, job training, access to university scholarships, and much more. Our heart to to see all of our young adults flourish and be successful!
Mercy Ministries shares the love of Jesus by helping people in our communities access necessities such as food, clothing, houses, and home repairs.
Through Mercy Ministries, Iris comes alongside single mothers, widows, the elderly, and disabled when the circumstances of their lives prevent them from personally acquiring these necessities. We are compelled by the love of God to give joyfully to those with need: “As you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light will rise in the darkness, and your night will become like the noonday” Isaiah 58:10.
Equip pastors to spread the Gospel across Mozambique and beyond for $210 per pastor for one year of Bible school. We bring hundreds of pastors to each of our five Bible schools for three months a year for four years.
We run three sessions a year for different pastors. Then we offer a fifth-year Mozambican missions school for specially mature, called and anointed leaders.
With mission aviation we are able to reach villages that our land vehicles could not. This plane is known for bringing the Presence of Jesus!
Aviation-assisted ministry requires lots of resources, fuel, maintenance, insurance, taxes, fees and everything else that is involved with operations.
Iris has many farms on many bases with the purpose of feeding the hungry. From citrus orchards to vegetables and grain, these farms are producing nutritional meals for the children on our bases.
Our farms also provide food for our outreach projects. Not only does this supplement the bases’ operating costs, it also helps us to provide jobs for the locals. The diversity of our farms gives us the freedom to produce a variety of food and implement different projects.
From our farm in Zimpeto, where we have a gardening school, to our farm in Mieze, whose Moringa trees’ produce leaves, flowers, and seeds that can be used for food or medicine, we can’t help but stand in awe of the goodness of God and His continuous provision for us.
Our health & wellness programs provide free medical care to the communities we serve. Through these services we have the opportunity to meet people’s physical needs in a tangible way and introduce them to the Great Physician who heals mind, body, and soul.
A gift in your will or living trust extends your support for Iris Global across generations and enables you to make a bigger impact than you ever thought possible. If you'd like to explore how you can collaborate with Iris through planned giving, please click here to learn more.