He is so Patient

Written by Carly and Jonathan Brown

God is much more patient with us then we usually are with others. We often lack the patience and love for people that we desire. That's why we are so dependent on Him. We have a dear friend and brother in the prison that we helped be born again in 2022 and have been discipling for over two years. He gave his life to the Lord repenting of his sin and life without Christ, we baptized him in the prison to become a new creation, and have been visiting him regularly and encouraging him in his walk with the Lord. His life has been marked by addiction. He has struggled to fully come out of that and be free. It's been hard to watch him struggle. At times it's been so hard to have patience and love for him as over and over he has fallen back into his addiction.
Sometimes we have an idea that we will choose Jesus, be completely set free, and life will just be easy and blessed in Him. That's not the case. Often there is struggle and hardship and suffering, BUT God always uses it for His good when we love Him having been called accordint to His purpose. We have seen Our dear friend time and time again get back up and turn back to Jesus. We were so encouraged this past week as our dear friend is now nearly two months sober. As they took role in his cell block he stepped out and asked to preach to the men and began to share a word God had given him. He was so excited to tell us of all God had been doing and it was such an encouragement to our hearts. The lord is using him powerfully to bring truth and light into such a dark place.

A few months back one of our team members gave him a word that they felt like the Lord would use him to preach and share the gospel. At the time he had a hard time receiving that. It was so beautiful to witness all God has done in his life and heart. God's timing and ways are not out ways. We just need to love, listen and obey the Holy Spirit and trust God with the rest. He is making all things new.