Loving like Jesus

Written by Carly Brown

We met Jose Alfredo in the prison over 5 years ago. He has been in prison for 20 years and has a few more years left on his sentence. That's the longest sentence there is in Palmasola Prison. When we met him he was lost in drugs, just a shadow of the man he had once been. The Lord told us to just love him and at first it was hard for him to spend much time with us. He didn't know how to express himself or even have a conversation. Being his friends and loving him we have seen the Lord change and soften his heart over the last five years. He has come to know Jesus, confessed and repented of his sins, has been born again, and now is a completely different person. He is still struggling through things, but he knows he is loved and that we are family. Last week as we were visiting in the prison we were discouraged. There was so much need with our friends and brothers inside. Many were struggling and it was just overwhelming. At one point in the midst of all the requests, Alfredo invited us to the place where he sleeps to visit and talk with him. As we were talking we starting sharing about what it means to be a faithful servant and we were encouraging eachother to be faithful. Alfredo shared from his heart, very humbly he said, "I long to be a faithful servant of God, I desire for that." You could feel his sincerity and humility....it was a very beautiful moment.
It's so easy for us as Missionaries going into dark places to just want to pat ourselves on the back sometimes and think, "of course we are faithful servants." Our friend Alfredo's humility really impacted us. We need more love and more humility and what a beautiful moment to receive from our brother in such a humble way. We want our prayer to be just that....... "Lord help us to be faithful servants." Let that be what we desire. We are so thankful for our dear brothers in the prison. We learn so much from them and though it's hard to watch the injustice and suffering and hardships they face, what a gift to know they have Jesus as their true comforter. He is enough.