A Space of Our Own

Written by Iris Dakar

We have some exciting news this month! We have just purchased a plot of land in a nearby village where we do kids club. This is a huge answer to prayer for us. We have been dreaming about and believing for this land for a long time.

We have been doing weekly kids club in this village for the last six years. It is a time for us to sing songs, play games, and share the love of God with these children. Every year we also provide school supplies and Christmas gifts. Anytime we hear of a family emergency or other need, we make time to do house visits to encourage the family and help however we can. One time, our Land Cruiser ended up serving as an “ambulance” when the village chief had a medical emergency and needed to get to a hospital in the city. Children who were once toddlers singing along with us are now excelling in school. It has been beautiful for our team to watch them grow up as we walk alongside them and their families.

Throughout the years we have been doing our club on the property of anyone gracious enough to let us. When we were no longer able to be at one family’s property, another man in the village welcomed us. This has been a huge blessing and has enabled us to continue our weekly club, however we have been dreaming to have a space of our own. This month, that dream finally came true! We received the funds needed to purchase land and just concluded negotiations with the owner. This land will give us a permanent place for the children to meet and the freedom to expand our vision on how we can better serve the community. Our next steps are to build a structure to provide shade from the hot sun and a wall around the perimeter. We are so excited to see all that God wants to do!