Solar Audio Bibles play a huge role in our ministry here in Mozambique. Due to an under-educated population, the ability to read is scarce. We were blessed with some of these audio bibles, charged by the sun, adding even more value in such an electricity-intermittent area. While we don't have enough to give to everyone, we have enough to train pastors to open audio-bible listening groups to multiply the Word going out.
Here, we were in Nhamantanda, a small city in Central Mozambique. Our team was able to take 3 of the women disciples of the base to empower them as women in ministry in a patriarchal dominated society. It was incredible to see them rise up to the occasion and see what it's like to be a missionary in their own country! It is such an immense blessing to see the next generation raised up with these types of opportunities.
After a Friday night Logos & Rhema word study, we spent Saturday teaching the pastors the importance of reading of the scripture for their congregants and gave logistic points and plans for them to feasibly open their very own bible listening groups, even in the farthest places in the bush. Some pastors came on motorcycles from locations hours away!
It is such a special experience to be able to equip these churches with practical tools to aid them in knowing Jesus and the Word even better. We look forward to equipping all of Central Mozambique with these bibles and the instruction to open groups by the end of the year!