Youth - Discipleship

Written by Amelia Hobart

Recently, a few missionaries and Mozambicans started boys' and girls' groups for ages 11-18. We play games and share a message during our time together on Sunday afternoons. About 15 girls and ten boys come to the groups, with two girls walking for about an hour! Some of the games the girls enjoy the most are jump rope and musical chairs, while the boys enjoy basketball.

Debbie and I (Amelia) lead the girls' group. In our last group, we discussed the Holy Spirit and how to listen to it. The girls are incredibly focused and attentive when we start sharing stories and our experiences! The first time we had the group, about four girls gave their hearts to Jesus for the first time. It was so sweet!

Josh, Antonio, and Helder lead the boys' group. Josh is a missionary, and Antonio and Helder are young adults from Dondo who are involved with Iris. During one of the boys' groups, Josh shared the Bible story of Joseph, and as a group, they started discussing jealousy and forgiveness. Some boys shared that they easily get into fights and don't want to do that anymore. They talked about how to be more patient and turn the other cheek.

Please pray for all our teens who come to our girls' and boys' groups!