Our first prayer room in Glastonbury

Written by By Elieudo Santos

This day was a very interesting day, it was the day of a storm that occurred the day before our prayer room we started here at Glastonbury. We thought it would be canceled due to the storm and probably no one would come because of the floods and other bad things in the middle of the road, but to our surprise 27 people came to meet Jesus for 5 hours of prayer and worship across Glastonbury and England This is the area in which we work as missionaries. It was an incredible and memorable day for us in our first prayer room. We still don't have our own building of our own to have the prayer room, but we are praying that God can give us a space of our own so that more people can come and have an encounter with Jesus in his presence. Our next prayer room will be on February 22nd from 2 to 7 pm. Keep praying for us so that God brings more workers to this place and to see more people knowing Jesus and making him known to many. And we will continue to have our prayer room one day of each month until God gives us our building. To God all the glory.