
“Christ is our message! We preach to awaken hearts and bring every person into the full understanding of truth.” — Colossians 1:28 (TPT)

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About Manila

After serving with Iris Global for 5 years in Pemba, Mozambique and 10 years as base-directors in White River, RSA, Jean and Teisa Nicole felt God’s call to Manila, Philippines. Pioneering a new ministry center focused on awakening hearts to Jesus and His great commission!
During the first year, the major focus is learning the new rhythms/language/culture while building relationships with local leaders. Through personal mentoring and group training sessions, the mobile Dream Center is reaching around 15+ Filipino missionaries (from local ministries) and 15+ international missionaries (mostly Iris Global). Currently meeting in living rooms, coffee shops, YLC, the ministry is able to flow and flex to whatever is needed to ‘stop for the one.’ The Iris Manila team does envision the mobile Dream Center becoming an established ministry/missionary training school in time. They also dream someday of a Hospitality home to host missionaries from around the world for times of healing, rest, and renewal.

Get Involved:
Ways to partner with the Iris Manila primary expressions: Gather/grow/go

1). GATHER- Come alongside our team with Encounter Nights-evenings focused on His presence and allowing people to have life-changing encounters with Holy Spirit! Worship leaders and teams are especially needed in this vital ministry! We also partner with local pastors in evangelism which visitors/team are a great blessing!

2) GROW- Come alongside of mobile Dream Center with the Discipleship/skills track (mentoring and training geared for all believers/leaders). Workshops or skill training sessions can be arranged for specific areas or teams. There also may be opportunities for seasoned leaders to impart into the Missionary track (local missionaries).

3) GO- Come with us as we stop for the one in Manila! This can look like riding the Jeepneys or trikes in the city and praying/sharing the Gospel as He leads. Perhaps helping a local pastor with feeding the hungry within local barangays (communities)….it is always an adventure! And someday take teams of Filipino missionaries to the nations!!!!

Something smells...

But thanks be to God, who always leads us as captives in Christ’s triumphal procession and uses us to spread the aroma of the knowledge of him everywhere. 2 Cor. 2:14 The delightful smell of champorado filled the air. Watching the kids line up and patiently wait, peering over other kids to ensure ther...

Christmas Joy

As Pastor Jeff powerfully shared on Sunday, "The best gifts are not wrapped but lived out!" Just as God sent His beloved Son in the most humble way that first Christmas, the greatest gift also modeled the most perfect life of love. Over the past month, our small but mighty team enjoyed a flurry of gather...

In fire and floods (Sept 2024)

Over the past two weeks, life/ministry in Manila has been a rollercoaster of emotions. Confronted with the aftermath of devastating fires and floods that have impacted thousands upon thousands of families, our hearts break. The constant rains from two tropical storms have wreaked havoc, with nine people...