Something smells...

Written by Teisa Nicole
+ 1 4 6

But thanks be to God, who always leads us as captives in Christ’s triumphal procession and uses us to spread the aroma of the knowledge of him everywhere. 2 Cor. 2:14

The delightful smell of champorado filled the air. Watching the kids line up and patiently wait, peering over other kids to ensure there would be enough for them. Our local leaders and visiting missionaries serving the beloved Filipino chocolate rice pudding from the back of the church truck. Observing their faces as they neared the front of the line—the thrill of receiving their treasure and the sweet satisfaction of those first few bites. The worship team sang some songs as we began to engage with the crowd- sharing the Gospel and praying for people.

One of our church youth asked us to pray for a family struggling with sickness down the alley. Unfortunately, the family wasn’t home, but the neighbors greeted us warmly. With open doors and hearts, they invited us inside their tiny home. The mother suffered from ten years of pain from a frozen shoulder. We prayed for her, and though the pain decreased, it remained difficult for her to move. After more questions, sharing the Gospel, and praying, she revealed all the pain was gone! Her husband was shocked to see her moving her arm in a full circle. Hearing the commotion, their daughter came out from the back bedroom and requested prayer for her ongoing cough. We prayed and shared a prophetic picture God gave us for her life, which made her light up. Pray with us for this family to know Jesus as Lord and Healer! This is just one of many testimonies we wanted to share to encourage hearts that Jesus is moving in the nations!!!!