
“Praise the Lord, Praise God our Savior. For each day He carries us in His arms. Our God is a God who saves! The Sovereign Lord rescues us from death.” — Psalm 68:19-20 (NLT)

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South Africa

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About Johannesburg

IRIS Johannesburg was founded in 1995, shares the IRIS Global core values and is driven by the love of God, His purpose and commission. Our Mission Statement is: P.L.A.Y which is an acronym for: “Participating in the Lives of Africa’s Youth.”
The objective of Iris Johannesburg is not to bring children into a children’s home, but to bring them into a family. Although a small base, intimacy and relationship is a daily lifestyle. Valuable and lasting friendships are formed which result in many people returning every year for “home visits”. An internship program is an exciting addition to a discipleship focused lifestyle, which is no respecter of age, culture nor gender.

Only an hour’s drive from Johannesburg, a bustling city filled with crime, unemployment, sex trafficking and drugs, third world conditions are right on our doorstep as thousands of neighboring Immigrates flock to this city and a jobless existence. We speak to nations, by pouring the love of Jesus on them in many different ways, and encouraging them to take that love back home to their countries.

The heart of Iris Johannesburg is to bring children into a family not an institution. We are a small ministry center where intimacy and relationship is a lifestyle. We are raising our kids with their identities firmly rooted in Christ and they join us in all our ministry activities. We take them on community outreaches where they pray for the sick, pass out meals, and preach the Gospel. It is a joy to see them engage in every aspect of our ministry from serving short-term visitors to distributing basic necessities in squatter camps. 

Iris Johannesburg Family
Our home provides children with a place of safety and provision. It is place of joy, where each person knows they belong to a larger spiritual and relational family.

Community Outreach
“All of us in this Iris Johannesburg family love going out and praying for people, doing outreaches into the poor areas, and being a part of seeing the love of Jesus change lives. We are involved in making a difference in the communities around us, even though we are still young. God uses everybody no matter what age, we are so blessed.” - Mohau (13 years old). 

Our community outreaches are a great way for our family to serve together as well as demonstrate the simple power of love in action.

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Support Johannesburg Special Projects

Be part of our mission to share the Love of Christ with the world.

He knows My Name

Our Iris Johannesburg children’s first reaction to illness is to pray, there has been several times when either one has fallen and hurt themselves or they have not been feeling well and one of the children has come to get me saying “we must pray for him or her”. They know who their Father is and they kno...

Out of the mouths of little people.....

During our Sunday Iris Johannesburg family gathering, two of our children , Angela and Duncan were lying on the floor with tears silently streaming down their cheeks. One of our ladies asked quietly, "Are you ok? Are those happy tears or sad tears?" Duncan replied " Happy tears, I feel the presence o...

New Birth and Redemption

Christmas is such a special time, we get to focus on Jesus and again the realisation of Him choosing to humble himself in the form of a new baby to enter this world.... The Christmas season is filled with fun, laughter, joy and family. This Christmas Jesus spoke to me about redemption. We often go to...



From nothing to everything


Ladies meetings


My extended outreach at Iris Johannesburg