We moved from Mtondia to Mombasa a few years ago but found it difficult to find the right area to settle in Mombasa as we were looking for a place to stay and establish a new Iris base. Finally, after seeking and waiting on the Lord, He put in our hearts a town called Malindi, a three hour drive north of Mombasa
Malindi is much nearer to some of the churches we have planted. Living there would make it much easier to visit them and work more closely with their pastors as well as installing Iris values into each church
It was whilst praying and preparing to move to Malindi that the Lord sent four missionaries to work with us, which was something we had been praying for for a long time.
It took a few weeks but now we have moved and our new missionary friends have moved with us to Malindi, and we all have homes in the same area.
This has allowed us to visit our Iris churches more often and we are delighted to watch as much needed toilets and a new church building are being constructed.
We have also started feeding programs for our church children and the population is very thankful, not only to God but to those who have been sponsoring these meals.
We praise the Lord for the mighty work He is doing here!
We wish you a very blessed Christmas and a prosperous New Year,
Antonio and Sandra Miambo,
Iris Global Kenya