Outreach to Sever do Vouga

Written by Nathan Kilpatrick

On the last weekend God provided us the opportunity to visit a church that we knew of. We really felt as a team that we wanted to try to bless the church as much as possible. As we planned to arrive in order to help with the 4th anniversary of the church. During the first day we decide to go up one of the mountains to pray and worship over the town that Gods presence would bare even more fruit for the Kingdom of God. It was a really powerful worship session where we really felt the power of the holy spirit moving and resting upon us.

We were also very involved over the next couple of days helping to set up the church, putting up decoration and preparing the food and play area for after the service.

The service was really amazing, the pastors really felt that as there were so many people from many different nations that speak many different languages. They wanted to have a prayer from the nations time during the service. Where people from different nations and languages prayed over the church and the people within it. It was an amazing time to pour out further onto the church and the people within the church. We as a team really felt blessed to be able to pour out on so many people during the service.

We really pray that those who help us in transportation, company, prayer and those who opened their houses to us. Would reap the blessings of their sacrifices. We pray blessing over the people and the church that revival will come to Sever do Vouga through that church for the glory of the kingdom. Amen