Testimony from the Emanuel Community

Written by Nathan Kilpatrick

We are really glad to bring you a testimony from about a man at one of the Romaine communities we work with. We pray that this testimony will be a blessing to you. This testimony is from one of our volunteers -

"On the 15th June 2024 we received direction from God to pray for the men in the Emanuel community, we felt Gods direction for us to connect directly with them. When we arrived a the community we met with the men but there seemed to be a wall put up between us and them. The men were polite but they responded the same ways they always done before. We were having difficulty over the past couple of weeks to form a deeper relationship with the men at the community.

While we were having the normal pleasantries with the men, I observed an older gentleman who we hadn't talked to a lot working on collecting recyclable materials. However I returned to trying to build a relationship with the men we already had contact with.

A little while later one of the parents of some of the children at the community arrived, We greeted him and introduced ourselves and told him that were here to help serve the community. Not only the children and women but the men as well.
He started to listen to us and heard about the way that God loves us and chose us to be men after God's heart. We prayed for him and he told us he would always be available to talk every time we go to the community

After that the gentle man who was working on the collecting recyclable materials. approached us and we positioned ourselves to build relation with the man. (This second man said he believes in Jesus) He opened up a lot and told us about his life. We had an amazing conversation with him, towards the end of that conversation we asked what he wanted prayer for. He told us that currently his wife was in the hospital with Alzheimer's and no longer remembers her family. We prayed that the man would have an experiences like the Roman centurion and that he professes the same faith as the Roman centurion (Matthew 8:5-13)

After we prayed for him he was very pleased and joyful and he told us he would be available every time we go there. We tried to have a deeper encounter with the other men like the first two, however we were unsuccessful.

On the 22 June 2024, on the request of his granddaughter we went to the house of the man who's wife had Alzheimer's. When we got there he told us that his wife had remembered her family when they went to visit her in the hospital. He was very happy and asked us to prayer for further healing for his wife's, so we prayed together with him. (We found out later on that this man is an elder in the community) The men started to slowly open up more to us. We had more and more opportunity to form deeper friendships with the men in the community and share the Gospel more with them as a result."

I (the writer) really pray that this testimony with bless you who are reading it. I pray that for those of you who either find it hard yourself to open up and form relationships with others or if you have those around you that Gods put on your heart who aren't opening up. I pray that God will touch your and their hearts and opens a door for you, for deeper relationships that allow they glory of God to be expressed and found. I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. Amen