
“But Jesus said, ‘Let the children alone, and do not hinder them from coming to Me; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.’” — Matthew 19:14 (NASB)

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About Mahajanga

In June 2016 we launched Iris Mahajanga as the second Iris Global location in Madagascar.
We are situated on the northwest coast of Madagascar and have a home for children who are orphaned or abandoned. It is our mission to raise them in the love of the Father.

We also aim to be a light to our community. Some of our neighbors live in bamboo huts on stilts and others are professionals who live in comfortable housing.  We love being in the middle of this diverse community and use every opportunity to demonstrate His love in partial ways to our friends and neighbors. 

Children’s Home
We currently have nine children living with us. We have a beautiful home for orphaned or abandoned children and provide for all their physical, spiritual, and emotional needs. We are pleased to participate in Stop for the One’s sponsorship program and you can get more information here.

Village Feeding
Once a week we feed up to 150 children. We have an amazing time of worship where we dance and sing with all of our hearts. Then we do a Bible drama, eat food, and play games. During the year we also do health education, distribute hygiene supplies, and work with parents to institute these practices at home. 

Kids’ Community
This program is focused on the especially poor families in our community. Many are malnourished and unemployed when they first join the program. We do our best to provide a wide range of assistance, but are very intentional to build it around discipleship.  Through micro-finance projects, home building & repair, food distribution, education, and medical care we demonstrate Jesus and His love.

Get Involved

Contact us at for more information about how you can help and to learn about current projects.

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Be part of our mission to share the Love of Christ with the world.

I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome

When I first arrived in Madagascar over a decade ago, I was helping to move a baby house from one building to another. As we were setting up the baby room I noticed that some of the mama’s were putting a little glass of water by the window and the beds in a certain direction. I asked the mama why...

‘when my father and my mother forsake me, Then the LORD will take care of me’

we have welcomed a beautiful 3 week baby boy into our family in Mahajanga, Madagascar this week. this little baby’s life was in danger and we were so happy to be chosen as a safe and loving place for him,. as soon as I heard about this unnamed baby boy - the name Aaron just dropped into my heart ou...

never underestimate what God can do when you place a bible in someone’s hands..

We are so happy to be giving out lots of bibles this week in Mahajanga, Madagascar. The many children from the village who come to our feeding program will not only be fed with delicious, nutritious food on Tuesday, they will also be fed with the living word of God as we share a bible story with them....



love looks like a pot of yoghurt


land of promise - Tany Kanana


Mrs Answered Prayer