When I first arrived in Madagascar over a decade ago, I was helping to move a baby house from one building to another.
As we were setting up the baby room I noticed that some of the mama’s were putting a little glass of water by the window and the beds in a certain direction.
I asked the mama why she was doing this and she said ‘it protects from witchcraft’
I told the mama’s that only Jesus can protect from witchcraft and we turned the beds around and removed the glasses of water.
On my first ever mission trip in 2005 to Tanzania, I remember at a crusade that I was part of - during the ministry time, children lifted up their t-shirts and showed me wounds on their stomachs that the witch doctors had made. I prayed for these children and will never forget the haunted look on their faces.
On the same trip there was a pregnant lady who was also on the ministry team who suddenly felt this restricting thing come around her stomach area - another team member could see in the spirit - could see that there was like a silver ring around her stomach. She told the pregnant lady to lift her hands in the air and as the pregnant lady did - she took authority and with a hand on each side of her waste lifted the silver ring off above the pregnant ladies head and broke its power in the Name of Jesus. The pregnant lady recovered immediately.
In 2019, I started to have really bad stomach problems as I was serving in Madagascar, it lasted 3 months and was very debilitating with almost constant diarrhoea, etc. I had had lots of tests and kept getting the all clear from doctors , although the sickness continued. I walked really closely with the Lord during that season, but did wonder if I would be well enough to even travel to have my upcoming break.
Just a week before my flight was due, a friend came and prayed for me, it was a really sweet prayer, but I felt really irritated and shouted ‘not like that’ and immediately I heard the Holy Spirit say ‘witchcraft’
I shouted to my friend it’s witchcraft and I could see that there was also a band around my stomach and so I put my hand up in the air and asked my friend to lift off the ring around my waist and she did and we took authority over it and broke its power in the name of Jesus. From that moment I was well.
Lots of people here suffer from witchcraft curses, quite often it manifest with really swollen sores full of puss. We saw one man with one of these wounds in the market and he said it’s from a curse and so we asked if we could pray for him and he said yes. So we prayed and left him.
The following week we were in the market again and this man came running up to us and said I am healed, Jesus has healed me.
Jesus Name above all names, to You every knee must bow