We are based in Mocimboa Da Praia, in the Northern North of Mozambique. We oversee the 5 Northern-most districts in the Province of Cabo Delgado. This covers a large distance with thousands of villages, running along the border with Tanzania, and is largely unreached by the gospel. There are 2 main tribes here: the Makondi, who live inland, and the Kimwani, who are more coastal.
Our main vision here is evangelism, church planting and discipleship as we reach out to the Makondi and Kimwani brides to come home to the bridegroom. We travel each week to different villages, preaching the gospel, planting churches, and visiting the churches we already have, encouraging and teaching.
In the town of Mocimboa itself, where we live, we are building a clinic, and English school, and in other places also, we are starting to build pre-schools with the churches we plant, and hope to start digging wells in areas that are desperately in need of water.
We are seeing an explosion here of hunger for the Kingdom of God in an area that until recently has been very difficult, and closed off to the gospel. The North is hugely populated by people ‘of another faith’, and also there are huge amounts of strong witchcraft and even cannibalism, but the love and power of Jesus is prevailing, and we are seeing people turn to Him in the thousands now! Areas that had before prohibited the gospel from entering are now begging us to come, government officials are inviting us to evangelise, and offering land for us to build churches, and the local people are running in to the Kingdom with a hunger that is phenomenal! We are so excited to see what God is going to do next as we follow Him on this incredible journey!