As the gospel is shared, the hungry are fed, the children are loved, families are restored, the single moms are empowered, the widows dance, and together we become the family of God on the earth.
The joys of celebrating the reality of the birth of Jesus and all that is accomplished through his life, death and resurrection! As we make Him Lord of our lives, it produces an outpouring of love to all of those around us.
I didn’t get to be in Nicaragua this Christmas but I do get to celebrate from afar with my team all that the Lord is doing through them. They are truly seeing lives changed and the Kingdom is being built! Many are being discipled and put into family ♥️ Hope is restored. The broken find healing. The prodigals come home. Love is found. And most of all, Jesus is known and exalted high!
This month, children who formerly spent their days in the garbage dump instead of school have now graduated from our literacy program. Several of their mamas graduated from our sewing program this month. Many have given their lives to the Lord as they hear the gospel and have the opportunity to encounter the Lord through prayer and worship each week.
Our house church that was started by a small group of illiterate widows that our team led to the Lord has continued to grow and become family! This month, they received free haircuts, new shoes, gifts and a party that included their own piñata which they clearly loved ? What a joy to celebrate the birth of our Risen Savior with the people and families that the Lord has graciously given us to disciple and love. We are so thankful! ? Feliz Navidad from myself, Jamie, Donald, Gretel and all of our team and families in Nicaragua. ??