Pemba Center: Village of Joy

“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ — Matthew 25:40 (NIV)

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About Pemba Center: Village of Joy

We have been sent to places where “love” must every day mean bread for the hungry, water for the thirsty and healing for the sick.
The Village of Joy is home to many children, missionaries, and national staff. Located in the northern province of Cabo Delgado and right on the coast of the Indian Ocean, our center bustles with love in action. 

Mercy Ministries
Our Mercy Ministry programs support 500 women and a small group of people with special needs. These women are either widows or single abandoned moms and face the challenge to sustain their families with at least three to eight children on their own.  The heartbeat our work is our weekly discipleship class where our women get to know Jesus personally. Some of them are believers and involved in our church, while others are from another faith. We want to minister to them through love, providing for basic needs, and skills training. By teaching them about God, we empower them to start and deepen a relationship with God, how to hear His voice and live life with Him every day, and furthermore how to have faith for God’s provision.

Medical Center
O Centro de Milagros (The Miracle Center) offers both medical attention and supernatural healing for those who come. Many people in our community live in poverty and suffer with treatable diseases and we offer free medical care for everyone. We see an average of 50 patients every day in the clinic Monday through Friday and 33% are children under the age of five. We are dependent on God, revival, and the Glory of His Presence to heal the people make them whole.

Children’s Center
Outreach & Evangelism
We are compelled by love to reach the lost. Our philosophy for outreach and evangelism is not one of duty, and we don’t have a formula. Missions are our joy, the simple, logical outcome of knowing Jesus. We simply respond to every window of opportunity to share the gospel; that may take us across the street or to a remote village. We obey His leading to reach people with every resource available to us: boats, airplanes, trucks, overcoming faith, limitless love, and joyful energy. We travel to encourage our local pastors and find out what their needs are and assist the churches to provide for the needs of the people in these communities. We minister creatively to meet the community’s needs whether it be building schools, churches, housing, or health clinics. The most exciting part of outreach is watching what Jesus does among the people as He miraculously heals, delivers, and sets people free.

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Contact us at for more information about how you can help and to learn about current projects.

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Support Pemba Center: Village of Joy Special Projects

Be part of our mission to share the Love of Christ with the world.

Escolinha Iris

We are filled with joy as we open the doors for the second year of Escolinha Iris! What a blessing it is to welcome 97 little ones into our classrooms — 55 girls and 42 boys — each one full of potential and a beautiful future ahead. This year, our children will have the opportunity to learn new things,...

Hope Is Rising Through It All: Terrorism and the Internally Displaced Since 2017, our home province in Northern Mozambique has been targeted by radical insurgents. As the violence and attacks have greatly escalated over the last four months, more than 210,000 people have been forced to flee their homes and are now internally displaced accord...

Photos from Pemba Mozambique - May 2020

In the midst of this global pandemic, communities in Northern Mozambique are facing a dire situation with villages being attacked and burned. Through outreach, we are able to bring food packs to families that will sustain them for weeks, and a solar bible in their own dialect that will fill them spiritua...



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