Phnom Penh

"The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners." – Isaiah 61:1

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In the communities we serve, we fight to end human trafficking, exploitation, and abuse by transforming communities through love, relationship, and support.

About Phnom Penh

We take a loving and holistic approach to the prevention of human trafficking and abuse by protecting and empowering those in the most vulnerable and impoverished communities. Through key partnerships, we facilitate the rescue and restoration of those who are being abused and/or trafficked. Our holistic approach to prevention endeavors to address human trafficking in its entirety by reaching individuals, families, and communities through providing support physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

Iris Phnom Penh was founded in 2007 as The Mission Worldwide (TMW). We operate in Cambodia as an international NGO recognized by the Cambodian government under that name. Iris Phnom Penh / TMW is a registered charity with The Charity Commission for Northern Ireland (Charity number NIC108385).

Set Free Project
We run a Day Center in one of the most impoverished communities in Phnom Penh where children and families are most at risk of being trafficked and abused. This center is a place of refuge where both adults and children are welcomed with open arms. Throughout the week we hold Kids’ Clubs where we worship, play games, provide food, teach lessons on various topics, and most importantly share the Gospel. We also provide adult discipleship classes because we believe in reaching families as a whole, not just the children. Our social work team regularly meets families to support and empower them into a better life. This includes practical help with children’s education, finances, accommodation, food, and clothing as well as spiritual encouragement and support. In some extreme cases our social workers partner with local authorities to rescue children, individuals and families being abused and/or trafficked. We plan to duplicate this program in other at-risk communities to reach more of God’s Cambodian Bride.

True Light Outreach
In the evenings we go into the streets of the red-light area to reach children and families living and working there. We reach this area by setting up Kids’ Club on the sidewalks and by building relationships with children and families. Through these relationships our teachers and social workers are able to assess situations and assist families in practical ways to support and empower them into a better life. In extreme cases our social workers partner with local authorities to assist and rescue children, individuals and families being abused and/or trafficked. This is a popular tourist area, with many opportunities for street evangelism and sharing the Gospel. We would love to see the project grow to reach and empower even more children, individuals, and families. Following the end of Covid restrictions, we are also planning to restart our ministry to share the love of Christ with the ladies working in bars and brothels in the area.

Province Outreach
Periodically our team travels on short-term outreaches to various provincial areas where the risk of exploitation and human trafficking is greatest. The first and most important goal of these outreaches is preaching the Gospel, praying for the sick, and house visits for more personal ministry and prayer. We believe that we are called to make disciples, not simply converts, so where possible we partner with a local church or pastor so that new converts can be linked with a community of believers and discipled. Our second goal is to teach on the dangers of both labor and sex trafficking and how to stay safe from them through separate training sessions for adults and children. The program also includes fun activities, kids’ clubs, games, worship, and snacks, and we round out the time of outreach by blessing the community. Children receive school supplies and families food packages. We conduct ‘single day outreaches’ once a month to villages nearby Phnom Penh and ‘multi-day outreaches’ once or twice each year to various provinces across Cambodia.

Stop for the one - Child Sponsorship
We are  pleased to be a part of Stop for the One’s sponsorship program because we know firsthand what a difference it makes in the life of one child. To see whom you can sponsor, check out our kids here.

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Support Phnom Penh Special Projects

Be part of our mission to share the Love of Christ with the world.

Life Saving Support for Mother and Baby

One woman who lives in a community that we serve was found in an alarmingly poor physical condition after giving birth. It became clear that she had been neglected at the hospital and left without proper post-natal care or medication to aid her recovery because her free medical care card had expired. Rec...

Audio Bibles Bringing Peace

Every week our team has been going to the bars to be the love of Jesus to the ladies working there, to build relationship with those that want to open up, and to pray with and encourage them. Recently in one of the bars we visited, we met Nana (name changed). Nana was very interested in what we had t...

A Personal Encounter with Love

Our wonderful team goes out to work and serve in communities day in and day out, consistently making gradual, but impactful, differences in peoples lives. Last month we heard a story of a single mother living in one of our communities. Our team stopped and prayed with this mother and her children ever...

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