Audio Bibles Bringing Peace

Every week our team has been going to the bars to be the love of Jesus to the ladies working there, to build relationship with those that want to open up, and to pray with and encourage them.

Recently in one of the bars we visited, we met Nana (name changed). Nana was very interested in what we had to share about Jesus. We asked if she believed in God and she said she believed in all Gods. Nana shared that she usually listens to recordings of chants from another faith before going to sleep, but she doesn't sleep well. As we continued to talk and share with her, she showed interest in wanting an audio Bible, so we gave one to her to listen to.

A couple of weeks later when we were visiting a different bar, she stopped us in the middle of the street, gave us all a big hug, and said she had been listening to the Bible almost every night. She shared that she was sleeping much better now and felt full of peace. She really could not stop thanking us for her audio Bible. Praise God!

"So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ." Romans 10:17

Please continue to pray for Nana, that she encounters the One True Living God as she listens to the Bible. Pray that our team has the chance to continue building relationship with her and showing her the love of Jesus.