Life Saving Support for Mother and Baby

One woman who lives in a community that we serve was found in an alarmingly poor physical condition after giving birth. It became clear that she had been neglected at the hospital and left without proper post-natal care or medication to aid her recovery because her free medical care card had expired. Recognizing the urgency of the situation, our social workers took immediate action, arranging for a medical doctor to visit the mother and provide necessary treatment. The doctor was shocked by the extent of the woman's physical deterioration, further emphasizing the need for intervention. In addition to medical care, TMW provided essential supplies for the mother and her newborn baby. This included milk, food, and clothing, as the family lacked even basic necessities. One of our team members assisted in cleaning the baby and their bed, as the infant was covered in faeces due to the dire circumstances. As the mother received treatment and support, her health gradually improved. However, the emotional toll was immense. She tearfully expressed that without our team's intervention, her baby might not have survived. Our team not only provided physical aid but also offered emotional and pastoral support to the distressed mother. This situation highlights the critical role our organization plays in supporting the most vulnerable members of society. By acting swiftly and comprehensively, we were able to avert a potentially tragic outcome and provide holistic care to a family in dire need.