Quebec House of Prayer

“For My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations.” — Isaiah 56:7 (NIV)

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To call forth, train, and mobilize intercessors to live a life of prayer as they preach the gospel, heal the sick, help the needy, make disciples, and seek to bring transformation to society; to make it our aim to personally live as fully devoted disciples of Jesus, who operate in the forerunner spirit. ​ To establish a perpetual solemn assembly in the Eastern Townships by gathering corporately to fast and pray, because we recognize this as essential to establishing justice in society. ​ To copy what King David set up before God. He had several thousand worshippers and people decreeing the word of God in His temple. We believe ministry is done best when our lives are rooted in prayer and worship that focuses on intimacy with God, as we intercede for a breakthrough of the fullness of God's power.

About Quebec House of Prayer

QHOP is a part of a world wide movement that is calling people to come together in worship and prayer before the Lord and proclaim His Word back to Him.

Get Involved

We love to Worship & Pray in the Prayer Room. We have a variety of sessions during the week, as well as our Awakening Service every Thursday Night 6:30-8:30pm. Quebec House of Prayer is open from Monday-Friday from 8:30am-4pm. Go to for our current schedule.

QHOP runs a School Program in the fall and in the spring every year. The next school begins runs March 5th through May 29th 2025. You can visit to find our bulletin, or email us at to get more information.

You can also join QHOP as a short or long term visitor or volunteer. Contact for more information.
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