South Asia [North]

“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.” — Matthew 24:14 (NIV)

About South Asia [North]

We see the fiery bride of Christ fully represented at the banqueting table of heaven from every people group in Asia.
Our vision is to see revival fires lit across the region by cross-cultural lovers of Jesus who lay their lives down amongst the people they are trying to reach in an overarching context of family.
Located in one of the oldest cities in the world, our team lives across several neighborhoods and we are overseeing churches across different locations. We work together to not only serve our local communities, but also to serve the wider Christian community across our nation, especially in the northern region where the majority of the unreached people groups reside.  

Our work presently covers four main areas of ministry:

  • Training and equipping: pastoral training, evangelism training, Bible schools, discipleship, persecution/legal seminars, itinerant ministry serving local churches, providing ministry resources translated to the local language

  • Serving the poor and disadvantaged: kids' home ("Stop for the one"), mercy ministry, children and youth church program, English classes

  • House of prayer: intercession, worship and prayer

  • Power evangelism and church planting: deliverance, prophetic ministry, praying for the sick, village outreach, online evangelism across Asia (including closed nations) 

Get Involved

Stop for the One - Children's Home
We bought a house to serve children from disadvantaged backgrounds. We currently have 6 kids living with house parents from our team and an additional 5 kids who are being supported in their own families (mostly widows with several kids).
We are asking for support to help cover the costs of renovating the building, furniture, salaries, school material, laptops and school fees. Opportunity is available to sponsor children through the Stop for the One program:

Discipleship Bible Schools
We run equipping and training schools for believers from the wider area wanting to grow to become biblical, supernatural, missional and relational disciples of Jesus. 
People face severe poverty in the area we live. Though we have been able to keep costs low, most of the students are unable to afford tuition, so we provide scholarships enabling them to attend. As we still need to cover housing, food and school supplies, the generosity of other believers around the world has been a tremendous blessing. If you would like to be a partner, please contact us at
At present our facilities for schools are also filled to capacity so we are looking at acquiring more property in order to house a growing number of students.

We would love to make this opportunity available to as many as possible, as quality ministry training is severely lacking in the northern region of this nation. The fruit, even from the shorter trainings, have been tremendous, with many students receiving deliverance, healing and boldness to share the Gospel with their families and neighbors. New churches have been planted as a result of that and they have been seeing incredible miracles in those areas.

Ministry Expansion
After receiving prophetic words about planting in other nations in Asia and the 10-40 window, we envision starting a ministry and retreat center that would accommodate missions' schools and would be open to both locals and internationals. We desire to see teams that come out of these schools that plant in nations historically unreached by the Gospel. 

Support South Asia [North] Special Projects

Be part of our mission to see Asia reached with the Gospel!

February 2025

During the school we are helping with, the students have two teachings in the morning and then go out on outreach. After we taught on words of knowledge, many students came back with testimonies from outreach, where they suddenly had a pain in their body or an impression that someone was struggling with...

January 2025

We just finished our 3-week training. What a precious time! We graduated 54 students and this time was a very different group: most of them were already in ministry and wanted to go deeper in the Word, learn how to share the Gospel and to be more effective. But we always have new believers. It is amazin...

December 2024

At our location, we are blessed to have a home dedicated to serving children from disadvantaged backgrounds. Currently, six children live in the house with loving house parents from our local team, while an additional five children are supported within their own families, many of whom are widowed mothers...