Recently, we celebrated the completion of the Biblical Studies program with over 30 amazing men and women at Harvest Bible College. Many of the students attended a rotation of 2-3 weeks sessions for over 3 years in order to complete all the required courses. After worship and the joyous procession of graduates, Pastor Surprise Sithole gave a powerful word of commission and harvest. The ceremony continued with more awards, special words, etc. The highlight for many was watching each student receive their diploma and Bible (a special gift from the ministry). This was indeed such a joyous milestone in their journey—many celebrated in very fun, animated ways to the pleasure of the crowd! It was an amazing blessing to watch and pray for each graduate as they were commissioned and launched into a new season of ministry. The ceremony ended in much praise and thanksgiving. After pictures, everyone was treated to delicious meal and fellowship.
Join us in praying for the 30+ graduates and their families! Pray that they would be shining stars in this dark world—bringing the light and truth of Jesus Christ to ends of the earth.