Here is a healing testimony by one of our missionaries- Teisa Nicole
Today I experienced heaven on earth. God’s supernatural healing power invaded my body! Divine atonement. What Jesus purchased on Calvary. The childrens’ bread. Another favorite nickname is ‘normal life’ for the true believer! But healing was nowhere near normal for me this month. What started as a migraine progressed to a nightmare sinus infection. Due to the intense swelling, certain nerves were impacted and the throbbing pain spread to my ears and teeth. My entire head was exploding and the days turned into weeks… Of course we sought prayer, anointed with oil, rebuked the devil, searched my heart for any sin/unforgiveness, took hot baths, used heating pads, went to the clinic, and popped pills like crazy…some things helped, but the pain always returned with a vengeance.
I had arranged home-visits for the visitors during the afternoon with Pastor Jeffery since I was unable to go. One of our favorite ministries, we love sending teams to pray for the sick, lead people to Jesus, and treasure hunt (prophetic prayer and proclaiming of the gold in people’s hearts/lives). Miracles are normal during home-visits. Suddenly, the Holy Spirit light bulb went on☺
So after I had basically given up on being healed, Jesus kissed me with Luke 17:11-19. The leapers were healed ‘as they went.’ By faith, they acted upon His command and got healed along the way. I watched Heidi Baker experience healing in this fashion time after time….she would be crazy sick and yet she would still go on outreach to preach/pray for the sick and often she would return home healed! I had even experienced this healing before. Sadly, my pain induced fog kept me reaching for Advil instead of my Bible and faith-filled history.
The instant I agreed to go on the home-visits, something shifted in my heart and I was healed! Breathing deeply with no pain, we went from house to house releasing God’s Kingdom with miracles following. Like giddy little girls, we experienced the atmosphere of heaven- joy unspeakable and full of glory!
But why now? Why not before? Why do some get healed and others not? I do not have the answer to those questions…But I am learning to ask better questions. “Jesus, how can I say thank you?”
So after a time of giddy worship, here I am blogging. My heart is bursting with thankfulness and need to express it….I hope this testimony inspires you to press into Him more…use your itty-bitty seed of faith to move a mountain for His glory….reach beyond yourself and love someone sacrificially….believe the impossible….and remember to say thank you when the normal happens!