Love invasion at local hospital

Written by Comella

It has been so incredible these last six months to watch what the Lord continues to do at the local hospital that we visit 1 – 2 times per week. One of our greatest JOYS is to go there and love on the people and babies! We usually have one or more of our older girls who go with us from MCV. It has been beautiful to watch one of our girl’s heart of compassion and confidence grow as she prays for the sick and broken. Last week, she confidently shared a couple of scripture verses with the mamas caring for their sick babies.

A desire and heartthrob of our hospital ministry is to love on the babies who don’t have any visitors due to being abandoned, or their parent’s passing away or being very ill. We declare the goodness of Jesus over each one of them proclaiming that they are adopted, healed and loved with an everlasting love. We also lay hands and pray for as many babies as we can believing they will be fully healed and walk in their fullness. Aside from the babies, different wards continue to open up to us within this very big public hospital. Recently, nurses have directed us to different wards for us to pray in. Slowly, bit by bit, we are covering the whole hospital which was a dream of ours! Our long-term dream is that we come with big teams and scatter in small groups covering the entire hospital.

We have many testimonies of Jesus healing and touching those we prayed for and His love continues to be expressed as we continue to pray for those that are in front of us. 

*We prayed for a beautiful mom who had a sick child. We asked her if there was something we could pray for her and she said yes, her eye. She could only partially see out of one eye and after praying, she said her eye was fine, she could see again!! Hallelujah! 

*In the one of the men’s wards where they are severely ill, we prayed for this man who was so sick, it seemed he couldn’t even walk. We touched his head while praying for him, and  the JOY that overcame his face was just amazing and unforgettable as he prayed in his native language! It was very moving to see the faith of a believing member of our Kingdom family and observe the joy that Jesus had placed in him. That day he ministered to us in a powerful way, reminding me of the simple things I take for granted!

*We recently heard of an incredible testimony from one of the nurses. We prayed for a baby in ICU not knowing that she needed to be transferred for urgent surgery either later that day or the next day. The doctor came in one more time to examine her before she went in for the surgery. The doctor said that it was a miracle, the baby did not need to go for surgery and she was removed from ICU.

We are so blessed to get to be the hands and feet, it reminds me of this scripture:

God always blesses those who are kind to the poor and helpless. They’re the first ones God helps when they find themselves in any trouble. ~ Psalm 41:1