
“Who stoops down to look on the heavens and the earth? He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap; he seats them with princes, with the princes of his people. He settles the childless woman in her home as a happy mother of children. Praise the Lord.” — Psalm 113:6-9 (NIV)

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About Zimpeto

Zimpeto Children’s Centre, located near Mozambique’s capital city, Maputo, is currently home to around 200 children, 15 missionaries and 150 full and part-time staff.

We join together with the people of Mozambique to believe for a bright, joy-filled and prosperous future for this nation. Our goal is to love each one in front of us, to raise healthy, God-loving children, to reunite families and to support the poor in the community around us in every way we can.

The center serves not only the needs of our resident children, but also the poorest of the poor from the surrounding areas. Our programs include a baby house, care for children and youth, special needs care, primary and secondary schools, community clinic, library and computing center. We also welcome hundreds of visitors come each year for the experience of a lifetime! 

Regarding education as the central pillar of furthering development, we fund, staff, and run a government registered primary & secondary school. We educate over 1,350 students with an accredited curriculum, after school programs, and the city of Zimpeto’s only school library/computer lab.
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Mercy Ministries
Sporting a local community health clinic, a nursery, and vast community assistance programs, we dramatically strengthen local infrastructure with easily accessible medical support and family assistance.

By equipping young adults with life skills and furthering the training of local workers, we give back the biggest commodity stolen by poverty: power. The center offers trade programs in computer science, English literacy, carpentry, and textiles.

Children’s Home
Our center is home to over 200 children and it is here we welcome them in as sons and daughters of the Most High. We work closely with the Mozambican social services to make sure each child is truly in need of our care and create a comprehensive plan for the success of the child. It is a true blessing to invest in the lives of our children and see them grow in the wisdom and knowledge of their Father.
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Get Involved

Contact us at Zimpeto@irisglobal.org for more information about how you can help and to learn about current projects.

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Zimpeto Update

It has been a long time since Zimpeto updated its web page so here we are!! As did most of the world our base pretty much closed down during Covid. Our church, school, outreaches and visitors were closed down for almost 2 years. During this time we rebuilt the girls area, the visitor area and ren...

"Normal" Service has been resumed!

Sadly this post is belated - for which I apologise! At the end of August, Iris Zimpeto hosted it's first conference since the impact of Covid on the world. Speakers came from Australia, America and South Africa and pastors and congregations from our Iris churches across southern Mozambique (and Eswatini...

I can only Imagine

"I can only imagine" are words that have been resonating in my mind and thoughts these last few weeks - not because of the song of said title , nor because of visions of heaven - but because I keep saying to God , " I CANNOT Imagine ...". Towards the end of March our team received a phone call from the...



All Of Me Loves All Of You


I Still Believe in Miracles


Getting a make-over

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